2006 In Review: Higher Definition

Obviously the consumer electronics industry is huge and quickly evolving, so there are numerous products, services, and trends to reflect upon for 2006. Sure we could talk about Apple adding movie downloads from iTunes, the various mergers and acquisitions, PDA phones for the masses, etc… But for me, the real momentum was in the realm of high definition. (And “You” are not the person of the year.)

The major development was the plummeting cost of large screen HDTVs. Plasmas, LCDs, and DLP rear-projection sets all dropped while we simultaneously grew more comfortable with higher price points. When non-geeks have larger, better units than I do (as observed in 2006), it’s safe to say this technology has gone mainstream. (Although, not everyone knows how to get HD programming.)

Also in 2006, the next generation of optical disc technology was released in the form of Blu-ray and HD-DVD. However, neither supplanted DVD last year and it isn’t likely they will in 2007 — due to high prices and a fragmented market. Perhaps hybrid disc technology, such as Warner’s Total HD or LG’s offering, will change the landscape… but not last year and probably not this year.

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Digital Media Bytes: TiVo Edition

A periodic roundup of relevant news… TiVo Series3 Lifetime transfer (for $199) extended: TiVo Lovers Mac TiVo Decode Manager 2.0 released: David Benesch TiVo finances need a tweak: The Street DirecTV TiVo recording issues: DVR Playground New TiVo rebates good through 2/17: PVRWire

Xbox Live + XP Cam Deal


live-cam.jpgMy one month trial of Xbox Live (Gold level) expired last week… Since they hooked me, I started looking for membership deals. Xbox Live Gold is the fee-based service that allows you to compete online, download movie trailers, chat with folks, compare online stats, etc. 12 months of Gold membership retails for $50 — you can buy online through the Xbox or via a retailer.

At the time I ordered, I wasn’t able to find any discounts. However, I did notice the Gold subscription plus web camera for $65 at Amazon (versus the $80 list price). The bundle also includes Robotron and Uno game downloads, a headset (I already have one), and 200 points (~42% of an HD movie rental) — Including the webcam, these seemed like decent bonus items for only $15 over the annual subscription.

The 360 supports video chat and allows you to add your face to some games, such as Uno and the new Rainbow Six. Though… the biggest bonus of all turns out to be the Vision camera (which retails for $40 without Gold membership) also works under XP. Installation is a breeze: Plug it in, then let Windows find the driver online. It’s definitely not a high-end cam (and it has no microphone) but the price is right. The hardware is simple, though it does rotate and pivot — and, surprisingly, it also balanced fine on my LCD. I had fun making faces testing the video with Skype last night (and you can see that I still haven’t shaved).

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Why is TiVo.com selling Slingboxes?

Today’s mystery: Why is TiVo.com selling Slingboxes? Interesting… I checked in with both TiVo, Inc and Sling Media yesterday. When asked about the relationship between the two companies, TiVo responded with “nothing formal.” My Sling contact is doing some research and will get back to me. If it is indeed nothing formal, what’s the goal … Read more

Sony LocationFree PPC Player US Release

Third party developer Access will be releasing a Pocket PC software player in the US designed to support Sony’s LocationFree placeshifting hardware (LF-B20). The NetFront LocationFree Player (2.0) should be available any day now for about $20 through Handango and Pocketgear. (For comparison, Sling Media’s PPC player runs $30 direct.) NetFront LocationFree Player for Pocket … Read more

Mac Slingplayer Beta Time Bomb

If your Mac Slingplayer stopped working yesterday, go download a new copy which contains an extended expiration date. If you run into any issues after updating, blow away your prefs. In other Mac Slingplayer news, Beta Manager Sharon Rylander tells me GUI enhancements are in the works by some new hires, and an updated public … Read more

Picture of the Day: Angry Comcast Customers

Generally speaking, we try pretty hard to stay on topic here at ZNF… But this picture is just too funny and must be shared. Maybe the humidity didn’t agree with their hair, or maybe they just didn’t like Orlando — either way, I shot these out-of-character Maryland cheerleaders at the Champs Sports Bowl over the … Read more

TiVo OS Build For OCAP?

According to a letter the National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA) submitted to the FCC, TiVo is working on an Open Cable Application Platform (OCAP) port. Long term, this seems like an inevitable software engineering initiative if TiVo plans to continue working with the likes of Comcast and Cox. Multiple guides, multiple VOD applications, switched … Read more