You searched for: giveaway

The 4K TiVo Mini Vox Giveaway

TiVo VP Ted Malone kindly provided a TiVo Mini Vox ($180) for evaluation, which I'm now happy to pass along…

January 23, 2018

The Tablo Update & Giveaway

Cord cutting featured prominently at CES this month, including a pair of announcements by our pals at Tablo. Later this…

January 12, 2017

The PS4 Afterglow Wireless Headset Giveaway

A former colleague shipped me his company's highly regarded Playstation 4 Afterglow wireless headset to check out. Unfortunately, as an owner of the…

July 11, 2015

The Tablo OTA DVR Giveaway

Here at ZNF, we're big fans of Tablo and find it to be the best post-Aereo solution for technologically savvy…

November 24, 2014

The HDHomeRun Prime Giveaway

Hot on the heels of our DLNA streaming piece, and amidst CableCARD uncertainty, we're offering up our Silicon Dust HDHomeRun Prime review…

August 6, 2014

The TiVo "On Demand" Remote Giveaway

By way of the TiVo Community, I learned that, despite cessation of service, Charter-branded TiVo remotes live on. And why this might…

July 11, 2014

The Slingbox 350 Giveaway

The current generation of Slingboxes arrived about one year ago and, now that I've finally begun organizing my gadget laboratory, we're…

October 13, 2013

The Vizio Costar Google TV Giveaway

Despite a rocky launch and Chromecast availability, Google TV soldiers on. And, at $100, the Vizio Costar is the most…

October 4, 2013