Leaving comments across the blogosphere…
Reach Your Broadband Cap With Comcast Backup Service
I’m still waiting for a way to track my data usage from their cable modem. Whatever software utility they’re working on doesn’t account for my Xbox, TiVo Amazon, and Netflix Roku VOD. However, I can’t bash Comcast too much… 250GB/month looks absolutely mammoth and generous compared to Time Warner Cable’s meager 40GB cap.
Video of Windows 7 UI on a netbook
James, don’t know if you read that YouTube embeds now have a HQ (high quality) toggle right in the video itself. It may not be HD resolution/size, but I don’t need to leave your site to see sharper video. While the video is playing, hover over that triangle in the lower right, click on HQ, and the better stream arrives.
Wireless Subsidies Reversed: Verizon’s $249 Femtocell
I’d rather just pay $200 to switch carriers to one that provides decent coverage throughout the house. A new gig I’m contemplating has poor AT&T coverage, which may line up nicely with moving to a Palm Pre on Sprint.
Are Bloggers Underutilizing PR People?
There’s still a certain amount of secretiveness amongst some PR people/firms. Not sure if they’re old school or what, but at least some seem adversarial with little to no info given. The firms/folks who engage in a dialogue are so much more enjoyable to deal with. And inevitably brings them better coverage, because we’re more informed. It’s really like any other relationship, both sides have to work at it and meet in the middle. Some can pull it off, others are incapable or unwilling. I guess the final point is that when you have so many negative experiences, and I’ve had many, you’re less likely to reach out to the (good) firms for comment, assistance, conversation.
Google Street View Captures Your Shame
Yeah, this totally lost its appeal when I also discovered it was a planned event with the Google Maps team. Impromptu nerdism is much more entertaining than a coordinated gaggle of nerds performing on cue.
About monitoring bandwidth: I’ve placed a Buffalo router on my network running the Tomato firmware and it’s monitoring everything going in and out. I set it up just before Christmas and learned that, for the 12/23-1/22 period (my billing cycle at Comcast), my wife and I used ~100GB of bandwidth.
I suspect that’s higher than what average will be, as we both work at a university and are off between Christmas and New Year’s (which means we were home more), TiVo had just released the Netflix capability and I was playing with that, I was still breaking the Apple TV in and re-downloading multiple HD podcasts, and she had been taking a ton of pictures during the holidays and uploaded them to Flickr during that time.