CES 2009: Day 0 Summary

The Consumer Electronics Show is nearly upon us. And while the show floor of the largest US tech convention doesn’t actually open until Thursday, CES press events begin tomorrow in Vegas. As does the Steve Jobless Macworld in San Francisco.

Although we already know buzz and attendance are down this year, I’m looking forward to a stimulating experience and perhaps being surprised with some compelling new tech. Plus, 2009 marks the first CES in which I won’t be wearing dual hats of geek blogger and industry rep. I don’t anticipate providing a ton more coverage than in prior years. However, I am hoping for more sleep. In addition to the ZNF posts, also look for 140 character updates via Twitter while onsite. And, yes, Mari will be in attendance as well. If there’s anything specific you want us to check out, hit us in the comments or via email (contact@zatznotfunny.com).

We’re shooting for a daily summary, including post links and “tweets” … starting now:


  • I’ll be airborne (headed to Vegas) during the Macworld keynote. Who scheduled that flight?? #
  • @jasonhiner Is this mathematically possible? Jobs: “I have given more than my all to Apple” #
  • Sheesh, with all the CES announcements hitting yesterday, today, and tomorrow maybe I should just skip the show. #
  • @cntrstg Can’t wait for my CntrStg Skooba bag. Was going to buy it, but so much cooler with this logo. I’m sure it’ll beat the CEA backpack. #
  • @LanceUlanoff You sure you want to rely on pre-beta software (Windows 7) for a show of this magnitude? Then again, Vista UAC is pre-beta. #
  • Dear PR People, keep the gadget news coming (with pics!) but I don’t give a crap about filling “regional sales manager” roles. (Hitachi) #
  • All I keep hearing about is CES and Macworld. What about the Notorious B.I.G. movie and the return of Lost this month? Perspective! #
  • With all this talk of CES, you’d think I’d have remembered to check in early this AM. Why are assigned seats so hard for Southwest to manage #
  • More pre-travel prep – running a Time Machine backup. In case I drop my laptop. Though this would be the worst possible week for a failure. #
  • @mgmgrand Sorry, MGM. But you’re too far down the strip for CES. And though you probably can’t tell, I try to avoid the buffet. #
  • Dear <Manufacturer>, If you’d like me to look at the <Box> update prior to CES, you’ve got about an hour to get it to me. #
  • I’m not expecting any downtime in Vegas, but I enabled my router for remote Slingbox viewing. Just in case <Vendor> doesn’t update <box> tonight. #
  • Lightest I’ve ever traveled to Vegas… 13″ laptop and just one cell phone. But an extra BT headset, should Aliph run another Jawbone swap. #
  • Ugh, another midnight embargo. (Macworld) Will hit it first thing in the AM while you all are sleeping and I’m alone at the airport. #
  • @beergeek Seems like Yahoo has fumbled much of their digital home potential (and talent). But looking forward to seeing the new widgets. #