A periodic roundup of relevant news… from our friends at Last100:
Livestation demos live Internet TV on iPhone and iPod touch
Livestation is currently in talks with Apple to bring a version of its international news video application to the iPhone and iPod Touch, likely to be supported over WiFi only.
Nokia announces Internet radio and music streamer
Dubbed the Nokia Home Music, the device connects to the net via WiFi or Ethernet to stream music from Internet radio stations and access podcasts, and can also stream music from a PC, mobile phone or alternatively any UPnP device on your home network.
BBC iPlayer lands on PlayStation 3
Now that the PlayStation 3’s web browser supports full screen Flash video, I knew it wouldn’t be long before we’d see the BBC finally roll out a PS3 version of iPlayer. Available in Beta, as of today PS3 owners can now access the Beeb’s seven day TV catchup service (UK-only).
Sony’s eBook reader – the numbers are in
Claiming to have exceeded the company’s own forecasts, Sony says it sold 300,000 units of its Sony Reader device since its October 2006 launch.
Amazon MP3 arrives in the UK
With little or no fanfare, Amazon’s MP3 store has arrived in the UK. And in keeping with the credit crunch spirit of late, there are some real bargains on offer.