TiVo Roamio and Mini set-tops have begun receiving updates this evening, as the folks in Alviso continue to squash corner case bugs at a rapid clip. But, beyond Roamio tuning, the TiVo Mini extender has received the long overdue feature of a full fledged recording manager UI – via the new menu item highlighted above. So, no more trips to our hub DVR/TV, as the TiVo Mini can now remotely manage those Season Passes. Less interesting is the “What to Watch Now” addition, with its suggestions and interaction seemingly more compelling on a tablet or smartphone. Meanwhile, we continue to wait on Amazon Instant and the Mini’s interface doesn’t yet feature the slight color and font tweaks of Roamio.
8 thoughts on “TiVo Mini Receives Season Pass Manager & What To Watch”
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I am getting an error when trying to view the What to Watch and a searching for signal on search by time or channel. Hopefully these are this was due to my Premiere XL4 not having the latest code or they have a fix coming.
These are welcome additions. Hoping for a UI update to bring a consistent look between my mini and Roamio.
NICE! Great added functionality to what is a great product.
You gotta stop teasing us with the Amazon Instant comments! I have a Roku I would love to retire if either TiVo or Apple TV (yeah, i know you can airplay amazon to this now, but its not kid friendly) would finally get an Amazon Prime streaming app.
@Jacob – Totally agree.. that is my biggest complaint at the moment as a recent Tivo convert.
The TiVo Mini has been able to manage the Season Passes and show the To Do List for a while now. You just had to use the shortcut keys which is still the fastest way to access those screens even after this update.
In TiVo Central pressing “1” takes you to the Season Pass Manager and pressing “2” takes you to the To Do List.
My Tivo mini now crash’s at Music and photos’s.
My mini just arrived two days ago and got this update during the setup so I never saw it before this but I’ve been loving it. So glad I sold my tivo hd and replaced it with a lifetimed mini. It works so well over moca and makes adding TVs in other rooms so easy. My tivo experience finally feels like a whole home dvr with unified playlists etc