Given the sheer number of variables at play here, a meaningful analysis would take the entire day… So, I’m just offering up these news tidbits as food for thought.
The survey said 80 million Americans watched a TV show online last year. This number accounts for 43% of the online population, up from 25% who said they watched a TV show on the Web last year.
The Nielsen ratings organization found that U.S. viewership for the opening of the 2008 TV season was down 21 percent compared with the same time last year.
Related, the writers strike may be nearing an end…
I liked the Nielsen statistics:
“25% Percentage of adults in a survey who said they watched a full-length TV episode streamed online in the last three months, led by 18-to-34-year-olds (39%).”
That 39% is really quite a large number when you think about it. Not 3 minute youtube videos but full-length TV episodes.
What 2008 TV Season?
Obviously content has been light due to the strike, but I believe the Nielsen data was comparing January 2008 to January 2007.
By the way, anyone know when BSG starts? (I have SciFi in HD this year.) And I Netflixed Torchwood – I made it as far as the fourth episode where the pterodactyl eats the Cyberwoman… I’m done. Going to resume The Wire on Netflix (disc, not online) and we may actually leave the house (for a Maryland basketball game on Saturday).
I’d watch more tv online if I had a better office chair