The mysterious Arlo Gen 5 discovered last month has been revealed as the Arlo Ultra. And, based on an early 2019 release date, missed an anticipated holiday launch. Not only has Arlo’s styling been enhanced, the Ultra is more powerful on all fronts — with 4K video, wider field of view, dual microphones, and a built-in spotlight. However, all this wire-free surveillance goodness comes at a cost… in the range of $250-300/camera. Ouch?
I’ve long been a proponent of the battery-powered Arlo… but the market has evolved and I’m currently giving Ring a shot. Having said that, being a gadget flipper, I’ll certainly fire up Arlo once again when the timeline scrubbing app update is released.
Notice the new mount. Also had a good Twitter question – will this require a new basestation? They’ve done a good job of being backwards/forwards compatible, but who knows what this will require. Maybe I should go to CES, after all…
Man that’s expensive. My Arlo HD system is ok but the battery issue is a pain. Makes for easy installs but the management can be tedious.
I really want a 4K POE system with a STB but as trivial as it sounds my biggest issue beyond installation with these systems is the dreadful aesthetics of the cameras. These things are going to be hanging off my home….can they at least attempt to design something that won’t make my wife dry heave?
From Arlo CEO Matt McRae :
“Features Include:
True 4K video with HEVC encoding
12x Zoom
Automatic Zoom and Track mode
180 degree FOV
Dual motion sensors
Advanced Dewarping
Integrated spotlight
Enhanced night vision
color night vision mode
dual microphones with beam forming
full duplex voip audio
unibody design
magnetic cable “
Regarding the 12x zoom, I’d want to know what if any of that is optical. Related, Arlo removed extended zoom from their iOS app for about 9 months or so (inadvertently I assume), which is when I started looking elsewhere. Color night vision looks to just be shining a light on something so you don’t need IR. However, that not might not be desirable in some implementations.
The motion sensors are interesting given the camera would detect motion itself – I assume it’s using some other technology to better help capture true, notable motion vs leaves or reflections (which tripped up an Arlo Pro 2 of mine). Wonder if it can also be paired with the integrated spotlight.
I hate to say this but, 4 cameras for $1k?! Not to mention reoccurring fees?! It’s like we’re the junkies and these companies are our monthly drug dealers on speed dial…
I wouldn’t say junkies. I haven’t seen the Nest IQ system sell well. Arlo’s most desirable two qualities were easy setup and no fees up to 5 cameras. Now they have half of those benefits at a significantly higher price. They failed to offer a competitive doorbell cam which has hurt them. They’re not listening to their customers.
I watched a YouTube review of the Ultra but more so a preview of the specs. Mentioning pre-orders, intro at the upcoming trade show. The key is that, the YouTube prereview mentioned the ultra will most likely NOT have any free cloud offering. Probably because of 4k taking up more resources etc… I would include the link, but it’s 5AM, and I’m still awake =( having trouble falling asleep…