What the heck are you thinking, Netflix? I understand and support your goal to minimize disc theft, but you really need to do some more testing in the labs before unleashing this half-baked sticker scheme on your customers. Whatever human or machine applied the anti-theft measure didn’t properly center it on the bottom of the disc, leading my laptop DVD drive to noisily thrash around without video playback. Fortunately, with the help of a ragged fingernail and a Marriott washcloth I removed both the sticker and glue goop to watch Dexter. Good thing too, because I know how Dexter handles evildoers.
4 thoughts on “Netflix Anti-Theft Measures Impair DVD Playback”
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Netflix “stickerkit”
Interesting. As many Netflix DVD’s as I’ve rented, I’ve never seen that kind of “protection” sticker. Have you seen others like this before or is it something new?
I don’t think I’ve seen it in person before, though the link above indicates Netflix tried it in August. Not sure if the issue was being off-center or if the the stickers changing the thickness of the disc was the issue. Either way, it cleared up immediately after I removed the bottom sticker.
By the way, I have Disc 1 and Disc 2 with me here in CA – only Disc 2 had them.
Disk 1’s sticker is still in your DVD?? :)