Beginning TiVo Programming

tivo-hme1.jpg A few months ago when no one was looking Kyle and John (of AudioFaucet fame) put out a TiVo HME book. Beginning TiVo Programming retails for $39.99, though Amazon has it under $27 and shipped free.

Having toyed with the idea of a book and dismissing it due to the massive investment of time (versus revenue), I asked these guys what they were thinking: “We wanted to do something to re-invigorate the HME landscape.” Nice! Maybe TiVo will also think about doing something more to encourage and support the development of third party apps.

I still haven’t gotten to ride the Segway they won from TiVo, but Kyle tells me it has a weight limit. No wonder these things don’t sell in the US.

4 thoughts on “Beginning TiVo Programming”

  1. Thanks for posting this. I’ve been meaning to order a copy for since it came out. These guys really have a strong grasp of the strengths (and weaknesses) of the HME protocol, as well as a firm grasp of television-friendly UI design.

  2. Todd,

    HME applications already run perfectly on the Serie3 boxes.

    TiVo is currently working on a higher resolution version of the SDK which you can test if you download the latest TiVo Desktop Preview from Inside you will see a photos application that takes advantange of the Series3 high definition outputs includeded with it. TiVo hasn’t stated when the updated SDK will be available to the public yet, but when it does we will post an updated chapter to Beginning TiVo Programming online at that covers the changes.


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