Echostar’s DISH satellite launch has been rescheduled for tomorrow. As I posted earlier, the ocean launch will be webcast live. Supposedly this new satellite will provide DISH with additional bandwidth to expand their HD offerings… but I’m just interested in seeing the rocket take off.
Sea Launch says: After a halt in the countdown for launch on February 8, Sea Launch is now preparing for a second launch attempt on Sunday, February 12, with liftoff planned for 3:35pm PST (23:35 GMT).
The Zenit-3SL rocket is now being erected on the launch pad, and preparations are underway at the launch site. On launch day, the rocket will lift the 4,333 kg (9,553 lb.) EchoStar X satellite to geosynchronous transfer orbit (GTO), on the way to its final orbital position of 110 degrees West Longitude.
“We understand the ground support system issue we observed during countdown last Wednesday and we are confident that our corrective action will support a successful liftoff on Sunday,” said Jim Maser, president and general manager of Sea Launch.
The launch has been scrubbed! Again!
Rescheduled for February 15, at 3:35PM PST… Don’t hold your breath.
The satellite finally made it into space:
Though with all the delays, I ended up forgetting to catch the webcast – damn.