Digital Media Bytes: The Davis Freeberg Edition

Photo by Thomas Hawk

Looks like Davis Freeberg has awoken from his long blogging slumber…!

How To Save Blockbuster
With the future looking pretty bleak for just about any video store, how can a company like Blockbuster save themselves? By sacrificing their media business in exchange for an opportunity to reinvent their retail business.

Cut The Cable and Free Your TV
Over the holidays, it became clear that cable TV simply wasn’t offering a very good value for what they were providing. Thanks to sites like Netflix, Megavideo, Amazon and Hulu, it was easy to stay up to date via the laptop and with less distractions, I found that I was actually accomplishing a lot more in my life.

Friends Don’t Let Friends Subscribe To HBO
With consumers clearly wanting to access content online, one would think that HBO would be the first in line to embrace this trend, but they’ve chosen to fight progress instead of helping to usher in the digital age.

How Real Time Search Could Drive Traffic Offline
Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about one of the biggest weaknesses of the online experience. For as fast as all those ones and zeros move, when it comes to instant gratification, you still need to wait a few days to receive most purchases.

Is Google Pulling A Bait And Switch On Their Users?
As the media landscape has gotten more competitive, I’ve noticed that publications are becoming increasingly aggressive at trying to monetize the eyeballs that they do get.