A Quick Look at the L5 iPhone Remote


At ShowStoppers last night, I took a quick peek at L5’s iPhone universal remote control. The package consists of an IR transmitter/receiver with Apple dock connector and custom app, turning your iPhone into an AV remote. The app’s graphics are a bit old-school, but not offensive, and there appears to be tons of flexibility in terms of customization – various default remote types, room profiles, swipe to switch. Unlike a Harmony solution, there is no master cloud-based database of AV devices. Each remote button must be manually programmed/mapped, by pointing the iPhone+L5 at the remote you want to mirror. The L5 lands next month at a reasonably priced $50.

8 thoughts on “A Quick Look at the L5 iPhone Remote”

  1. I guess the software can be improved over time, but I’d be a lot more interested in this if it was more activity/macro focused as to just a traditional remote layout on iPhone.

    Apple’s remote app is a good template for this.

  2. Check out the Re by NewKinetix. http://www.newkinetix.com. The Re has an IR code database built into the accessory so remotes for most devices can be set up instantly without learning. The remote supports learning as well. You can customize remote button layouts, build multi-function activity remotes like “Watch TV” or “Watch DVD.” You can have as many macros as you want and their are no limits to the number of devices you can put in a room. It works with the iPhone and iPod touch with a free app that will be available from the App store. Look for it in March.

  3. The newkinetix solutions looks very impressive. I currently use a Harmony universal and newkinetix promises to match it feature for feature. I am looking forward to it.

  4. Just recieved my l5 remote and I’ve got to say
    it’s brilliant! The IR device is in a black gloss
    finish and is the right size, I can’t see myself
    knocking it off. The setup of the remote is very
    quick and simple, the app is quite old skool but
    is very easy to customise and the macro feature
    is great

  5. Currently trying to decide between L5, Re, and RedEye.

    I’m leaning towards the L5, since the software is so damn sweet.

    But the ‘no dongle’ features of the RedEye make me wonder if it’s not worth the extra $100. I just wonder about the RedEye software…

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