Categories: TiVo

President Trump Loves His TiVo

Given President Trump’s television pedigree and media preoccupation, it should come as no surprise that he’s a big fan of the DVR. In fact, he cites TiVo by name as one of the greatest inventions of all time (although he doesn’t receive RCN cable). And that’s something we can all agree upon, irrespective of party affiliation.

But for now, Trump is focused on his TV. He watches the screen like a coach going over game tape, studying the opposition, plotting next week’s plays. “This is one of the great inventions of all time—TiVo,” he says as he fast-forwards through the hearing.

Trump’s praise is further notable given the crack marketing team at TiVo that once celebrated Macy’s #dumptrump fallout on Twitter along with their intent to “shut him up” by providing “the world’s biggest mute button.”

Lastly, being a non-partisan blog, let us not forget the Clinton’s similar love of TiVo… and Slingbox.

(Thanks Bijan!)

Published by
Dave Zatz