TiVo Returns To Canada (10/30)


It’s been a long while since TiVo has been offered in Canada. However, by way of the Investor Discussion Board and Twitter it appears that Cogeco will formally introduce their TiVo solution to Ontario cable customers at 11AM on 10/30. Whereas prior distribution was handled via retail, possibly including a drive across the border, this is obviously a provider offering… and presumably supports Cogeco’s full digital cable lineup without customers having to front a substantial chunk of change. Not to mention this is clearly the DVR from space.

7 thoughts on “TiVo Returns To Canada (10/30)”

  1. “Not to mention this is clearly the DVR from space.”

    That’s not the big news here. We’ve known that about TiVo DVR’s for a long time.

    The big news is that the friendly TiVo mascot is our first extraterrestrial life form, and he comes in peace! I’m baffled why this isn’t the top headline on the NYT.

    (Also, it’s very important that all TiVo customers immediately cancel the Food Channel, just so he doesn’t get any ideas about ‘serving man’.)

  2. I’m in Canada and I’ve been using a Tivo Premire DVR for my OTA signals for over a year and a half. I Live near the border and get both Canadian and US stations. Love the Tivo box. Good to see it coming to a Provider now. Wonder if you’ll be able to stream using the Tivo stream for the cogeco boxxes.

  3. I wish the TiVo remote worked on real life like the movie “Click!” and we could rewind to just before that wacko shot the poor Canadian soldier at the Parliament building! :-(

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