Best Buy Entices Smartphone Shoppers With $50 Gift Card


Best Buy has launched an interesting promo to proactively reach potential customers, no matter one’s smartphone predilection. Register your intent now to pick up any new phone by the end of the year, and receive a $50 gift card upon completion of that purchase. Of course, with two huge 2014 launches expected in the Samsung Galaxy S5 and iPhone 6, Best Buy’s fuzzy calendar and agnostic OS approach is quite clever. Not to mention, there’s really no catch — register your intent, maybe you buy from them, maybe you don’t. But should you transact, you’ll be rewarded with that gift card (plus any potential trade in valuation, if you choose the easy but less lucrative way out). As you’d expect, this dealio is limited to subsidized phones on a 2-year contract (and T-Mobile customers, such as myself, need not apply).

(Thanks Donnie!)

3 thoughts on “Best Buy Entices Smartphone Shoppers With $50 Gift Card”

  1. I’m registering both my wife’s and my phone numbers… just in case we’ve had enough of T-Mo’s dead spots come the S5 or i6.

  2. Needed to move my girlfriend’s GoPhone to my ATT family plan. You can’t port a # from GoPhone to regular ATT so I couldn’t get the $100 bill credit they were offering for new lines. Instead of giving me anything at ATT, they let me add her existing phone to my account with no contract, walk out the door and down to Best Buy, got an open box 5C for $50, and used the gift card on the phone. Basically the same deal I would have gotten at ATT but didn’t have to wait to get the $100 back..

  3. I usually pick up
    My new iPhones at the apple store. But $150 (3 family phones) will get me to change my ways. perfect timing because we are upgrading to the iphone 6 this fall. Fingers are crossed for a bigger screen.

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