Categories: AppleTiVo

TiVo Out-Of-Home Streaming Arrives Thursday AM

Come Thursday morning, your TiVo is your Slingbox… with both live and recorded digital cable becoming available to us outside the home. Assuming you have TiVo Roamio Pro/Plus DVR hardware and an iPhone or iPad. Unfortunately, Android support has been pushed to 2014 and it’s not yet clear if Premiere units and the base Roamio will also receive placeshifting functionality via the TiVo Stream accessory this week. Regardless, this is a pretty dramatic move and one we never thought TiVo would make. So we’re hoping they’ve taken the last two months since Mossberg’s review to significantly improve upon his “terrible, almost unwatchable” experience… as I’ll be borrowing my wife’s iPhone for awhile.

Published by
Dave Zatz