A periodic roundup of relevant news… via our writings elsewhere:
Sign of the Future: Sensors that Stick Everywhere
Lose your keys? Your cat? The TV remote? StickNFind has an app for that. Better yet, StickNFind has colorful sensors the size of a quarter, its own Bluetooth software stack, and a developer platform that could turn this crowd-funded Indiegogo product into a foundation piece for the coming “Internet of Things” revolution.
Comments on FCC Proceeding 13-177
Unlike recent TiVo and Samsung waiver requests, the EchoStar Channel Master K77 isn’t a CableCARD/cable device and isn’t saddled with the additional baggage of legacy MSO analog broadcasts and newly introduced market uncertainty due to recent Court and Commission rulings.
DISH Cuts NimbleTV to the Quick
NimbleTV is one of several startups trying to speed the progress of TV Everywhere. But Dish Network Corp. dealt a blow to the company earlier this month when it cut subscribers off from the TV source feeding the multi-screen video service.
Comcast Spreads Wi-Fi through Neighborhood Hotspots
Sitting dormant like sleeper cells, wireless routers in Comcast homes around the country will soon by recruited to activate a new Wi-Fi network. With the recent announcement of its neighborhood hotspot initiative, Comcast is preparing to split the wireless signal from home routers to create two parallel Wi-Fi access routes.
Got Stick’n’Find – use it with my car keys. It’s a neat idea but really doesn’t work – you constantly have to reset it and the once or twice I couldn’t find my keys it didn’t work.
Constant resetting is not that big a deal for the Pebble, because it’s always on your wrist, but SNF needs some more TLC
Have you checked out Tile yet? A little different than SnF – looks interesting.