TiVo’s Discovery Bar Takes On New Meaning

TiVo’s much maligned “Discovery Bar” has suddenly taken that content discovery (and advertising) to a whole new level. One you may not have wanted your children to experience. The R-rated and somewhat inaccurate blurb, based on my foggy recollection of Starship Troopers, you see above started appearing on a number of TiVo Premiere DVR units about a week ago. Yowza! Fortunately, TiVo quickly cleared the issue for many subscribers and they were researching the root cause. Meanwhile, Roku’s truly got any of your depraved needs covered. However we are in need of some clever “My TiVo Gets Me” punchlines and perhaps a better headline. Have at it in the comments!

(Thanks for the image, h2oskierc! Via the TiVo Community Forum)

6 thoughts on “TiVo’s Discovery Bar Takes On New Meaning”

  1. As an aside, it was quite refreshing to see a TiVo rep dive into the forum and immediately put this issue to rest. We could use more of that out of TiVo, Inc. Social media is a powerful tool and shouldn’t be solely reserved for corporate blog PR fluff or marketing monologues. TiVo used to know this, before “social media” existed, and was heavily involved in the forum – going so far as attending annual gatherings to talk directly to customers.

  2. Paul Verhoeven would approve.

    Not only does Starship Troopers have the infamous (at the time) co-ed shower sequence, but dude also made the unfairly maligned Showgirls, which does have a certain amount of…

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