Categories: TiVo

The $0 TiVo Premiere Returns

Last fall, we briefly saw TiVo experiment with a zero down Premiere. But that $20/month two year commitment, was ultimately superseded by the current $99 hardware fee that comes mated to a 1 year commitment (or optional Lifetime Service plan). But, TiVo’s giving it another shot this week via a Father’s Day promotion.

At first blush, it doesn’t seem like a great deal… as $99 is less than one year of service (12 * $20 = $240). Yet, in both scenarios, one is likely to keep the TiVo Premiere at least two years – making the zero dollar TiVo $99 cheaper over that same time period. Assuming my logic and math are right. Regardless, the prevailing wisdom seems to value Lifetime service ($400 – $500)… given a slightly longer horizon.

You have until June 13 at 9pm PDT to make your decision.

Published by
Dave Zatz