Best Premium iPhone Video App?

I habitually subscribe to all sorts of audio and video services. While I do enjoy my fair share of quality entertainment, it’s more about ensuring a breadth of content and playback options. Over the last few months a selection of mobile streaming video apps have enabled me to regularly conquer the gym hamster wheels cardio gear. Sure, I could TiVoToGo or Sling it, but I appreciate the simplicity and efficiency of subscription content.

Of the HBOGo, Netflix, and Hulu Plus iOS apps, I’ve had the most positive experience streaming Hulu Plus — which provides the most reliable connection, with the least buffering, drops, or resolution changes. Additionally, though all the interfaces could use some organizational improvements, I prefer Hulu’s approach. However, that didn’t prevent me from almost dropping them… prior to the return of the Daily Show and Colbert Report, which are ideally suited for the small screen and my level of attentiveness at the gym.

I’ll cut HBO some slack as they’re relatively new to the mobile streaming game and quite generous in providing complete seasons of perhaps all their original series. In fact, I hope Showtime is working on a similar solution. But I gave up on this AM’s episode of Eastbound & Down as the frequent and extended blackouts were maddening. At least the price is right (with subscription).

Published by
Dave Zatz