Categories: HTPCSoftware

Uncover AV File Details with MediaInfo

If you spend much time manipulating multimedia on say a HTPC, creating videos or ripping DVDs, there will come a time when you need to dig deeper into specific file composition to understand more about it. My favorite tool for this sort of job is the free, MediaInfo.

I’m currently transcoding a number of HD videos and, in doing so, I need to know what each video file is made of.  Information like the video format, bitrate, codec, subtitle information etc. MediaInfo provides these details and more:

  • General Information: title, author, director, album, track number, date, duration…
  • Video: codec, aspect, fps, bitrate…
  • Audio: codec, sample rate, channels, language, bitrate…
  • Text: language of subtitle
  • Chapters: number of chapters, list of chapters

MediaInfo supports a large number of media formats including: Read the rest of this entry »

Published by
Brent Evans