Categories: TiVoWeb

TiVo Releases Online Season Pass Manager

Later today, TiVo subscribers will gain the ability to re-order, transfer, or delete their Season Passes online at Which is quite powerful when combined with the pre-existing web scheduling capabilities and To Do List functionality. This may seem like a minor feature, and perhaps it is in the grander scheme, but I can tell you it’s infinitely more efficient and practical to handle these tasks via computer than remote.

In addition to effectively segregating his and hers DVRs, as we have above, the new online Season Pass manager is also good for quickly cleaning up shows you’re no longer interested in (or the networks have removed for you). And it should even allow you to migrate all your Season Passes to a new TiVo – assuming they’re simultaneously active for a time.

Deleting and copying Season Passes is pretty straight forward. Check the shows, click the button. Reprioritization is done via some slick AJAXy drag and drop functionality. While I’ve had access to the feature for a few days, I haven’t actually been home to track how quickly changes are propagated from the cloud down to our actual TiVo hardware. However, I’m told it should happen in under 15 minutes. And, in some cases, Season Pass modifications may even appear near instantaneously.

To address some concerns that have cropped up in the forums… No, this is not solely limited to Premiere hardware. And, yes, it’s not quite the whole home (automated) cooperative scheduling many of us have been pining for. But it’s a solid start. (Plus, in my case, cooperative schedule may not help much – we attempt to record “must have” shows on both TiVo units as our Cisco tuning adapters regularly flake out.)

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Published by
Dave Zatz