FrameChannel Widgets Come To TiVo

Later today, FrameChannel widgets will be made available to high def, broadband-connected TiVo subscribers. The FrameChannel service pipes all sorts of customizable Internet content to your display. And they’re a company we’ve discussed before.

TiVo users can now personalize the delivery of local news, weather and sports, as well as updates from social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Flickr all onto your TV. FrameChannel adds to the growing content already available on the TiVo service.

It’s no ESPN3 (see Xbox 360), but the price is right (free) and it’s a welcome upgrade over Yahoo’s stale TiVo widgets. Then again, in prior FrameChannel partnerships, I noticed that their service seemed ad supported. So don’t be surprised if/when interstitial banners disrupt your experience.

Series 3, TiVoHD, and TiVo Premiere units should receive FrameChannel access mid-day, with Series 2 support to follow at a later date.

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4 thoughts on “FrameChannel Widgets Come To TiVo”

  1. Only about three dozen of us know anything about… Whereas this is “official” and should generate a lot more exposure, interest, usage. (COO Jon Finegold informed us of the angle last November when he briefed us on FC’s Roku integration.)

  2. Came across the Frame Channel web site a couple of weeks ago and saw a TiVo Premiere on the front page. I will check this out when I get home.

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