Over the next few weeks, TiVo Premiere owners will start seeing the second promised software update pushed since release.
Like the prior 14.1c push, TiVo tells me 14.4 is a patch release designed to improve performance and stability. However, given the larger increment in numbering/naming this is either a very significant build and/or it houses some additional secrets yet to be revealed.
The new software has started appearing on units. Although, as with most of their DVR updates, TiVo’s going with a phased rollout. So don’t be surprised if your unit hasn’t been refreshed yet. Hopefully CNET’s Molly Wood receives it sooner rather than later – she’s not a happy camper.
As you can see from the screenshot, my loaner unit is still a loaner unit. I agreed to purchase it several weeks ago, but my TiVo peeps haven’t yet had time to work out the details and collect my payment.
MollyWood…ouch, does not sound like she is having a good time at all. I finally switched back to the HDUI after the 14.1c update…although I did disable the live preview. It was more annoying than anything else. Received the 14.4 update and it seems to have faster transitions/caching, but I still am not satisfied with the speed.
I was satisfied with stability after 14.1c which killed the lockups. I agree that overall speed isn’t where it needs to be given their platform and given the competition. But I feel we’re at the point that I can safely move the Premiere to the bedroom (which is our primary *TV* viewing location). WAF and all… ;)
Agreed. I forgot about the lockups prior to 14.1c….Those are rough times I don’t like to think about… :-)
Most people are happy with the update so far. No new HD screens from what I have read yet though.
Are they still using only one of the 2 cores in 14.4?
I keep getting promo email from TiVo mentioning Pandora support. When I saw Dave’s tweet regarding this post I got my hopes up…but still no Pandora…
Anthony, I have confirmed with TiVo that the second core is not active yet.
Unfortunately I will never use the HD menus unless they give the user an option to turn off the “Discovery Bar”.
I agree with Sam Lowry regarding the “Discovery Bar”, I only turn on HD menus to see what percentage of capacity I am at, then I go back to the speedier SD menu’s.
I love my TiVo Premiere – it’s the first one I ever owned, and bought it the last week of April. Right away I noticed a huge wait period for menus. The entire presentation is sluggish that resembles the speed of a computer right out of 1985. So although I saw lots of cool features and ideas, I was tremendously disappointed with the speed and functionality of the TiVo Premiere. It makes me happy to read that a new software version has been released that addresses this very issue. Unfortunately I do not have the new software yet so I am sticking with the speedy SD menus until such time I do get the upgrade.
Thanks for letting us know about it!
Wow, if the HD menus are that slow I guess sticking with my S3 is worth it then.
Yeah, the HD menus are still too slow. Not to mention, I’m going to do a click count. I’m not positive yet, but some actions now require additional button presses. Or maybe it’s just the slow HD UI that makes it feel that way.
Will the TiVo Premiere ever have features like Direct Tv for sports like one button scores while watching a game or multiple screens for live sports? Would be cool and seems doable with the Premiere.
I’m still on my Series II. It was lightning fast when I purchased but it has been beaten to the ground by Tivo “updates”.
I hate Tivo updates. We should be given a choice! I understand the ramifications… I would give up support for a box as reliable and fast as it was when I purchased it!
Listen up Tivo! On screen control must be FAST. I mean INSTANT!! When I press a button I don’t want to be able to count to ONE before something happens on screen.
I bought Tivo once, and I’d gladly buy on again IF they had a product as good as my series II USE TO BE.
You want my money? I want a good product. And from what I’m reading. Premiere isn’t it.