Categories: AppleAudioCategories

Rhapsody Survey Reveals iPhone 4 ;)

While I regularly advise marketing folks to go easy on the exclamation points, and despite their minor grammatical gaffe, Rhapsody did fire off a notable tweet yesterday:

is looking for iPhone app users who want to help in a BETA program! Join and test app builds before they go to market!

Not only could this provide some interesting opportunities, Rhapsody’s registration survey reveals the iPhone 4! Given public exploits by the Apple Gestapo, it’s quite clear a new phone is coming. I’m just glad Rhapsody ran with a “4” versus “4G” designation. Whatever comes next will indeed be the fourth generation iPhone, but in the mobile space 4G generally refers to transmission technologies and speeds. Specifically, WiMax and LTE. I’m still holding out for “iPhone HD” branding, but it seems like just about everyone has gone with that including TiVo and iPod competitor Zune.

Thanks for the heads up, Sriram!

Published by
Dave Zatz