Categories: Web

Messing Around With

For some time, I’ve considered developing the vacant into a simple landing page directing folks to my various online haunts. But I never found the time or motivation. Enter:

This new web service offers pretty much what I was shooting for, currently supporting a few dozen web services and providing a number of visual themes. However, all free profiles are hosted on For $3/month or $26/year, premium accounts come with additional perks – including custom domain hosting. Sort of. If you’re network savvy, take a look at the pic below to see’s forwarding hackery in action.’s founder, Daniel Blake, suggests this will be improved/corrected in the future. However, my continued membership is more dependent on the continued flow of attractive themes, additional web service integration, and customization options.

And while we’re on this topic of web identities and outposts, I just registered as the possible future home of my occasional Posterous personal blog. Until Twitter gives me a way to host my entire history in a usable format.

Click to enlarge:

Published by
Dave Zatz