Digital Media Bytes: Last100 Edition

A periodic roundup of relevant news… from our friends at Last100:


A glimpse into the Nokia N97’s Facebook app
With just a few weeks before the N97 is set to debut, Nokia have published an interactive demo of the phone’s User Interface, including a walk-through of some of the features of the included Facebook application.

Apple bans iPhone apps related to BitTorrent
Apple has rejected the iPhone/iPod touch BitTorrent client Transmission remote control from the iPhone App Store.

Keep your hands off our iPhone Kindle eBook revenue
Amazon has made it relatively simple for users to purchase Kindle content in a way that replicates the iPhone’s upcoming ‘in-app purchases’ feature, all without giving Apple its 30% cut or, presumably, breaking any terms of service.

Flip Mino HD playback on the PlayStation 3
Since publishing my hands-on review of the Flip Mino HD ‘point and shoot’ camcorder, I’ve discovered a really neat feature: the ability to play High Definition video shot on the Mino on a PlayStation 3, directly from the camera itself.

Google, Android and the future of Netbooks
According to a flurry of reports, a number of established PC manufacturers – and new entrants – are planning to release a Netbook running Google’s Android operating system.