Categories: SoftwareTiVo

Running TiVo Desktop Plus on Windows 7

On Sunday, I spent several hours on the phone with both the TiVo and Digital River (TiVo’s online license key fulfillment provider) technical support teams. After installing generic TiVo Desktop 2.7 software under the Windows 7 Beta, the desktop software would not accept my TiVo Desktop Plus License Key. It kept reporting that I had an invalid key. The only solution TiVo’s support team had in its database was to reinstall the app – which didn’t work. Digital River issued me a new license key which the TiVo Desktop 2.7 app also rejected. After a couple hours and four phone calls we/they all gave up. I was about to try installing the older TiVo Desktop version 2.6.2 when it occurred to me to try running both the installer and the app in Windows Vista compatibility mode. Voila!

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Published by
Dale Dietrich