Digital Media Bytes: Last100 Edition

A periodic roundup of relevant news… from our friends at Last100:

Rivet 2.0, another Mac to PlayStation 3 streaming solution
Rivet 2.0 software enables users to browse and stream media from any folder on their Mac from their PS3, with support for all file types that Sony’s games console supports, including AAC, MP3, WMA, H.264 and DivX (AVI).

The numbers say it all: why Netflix went exclusive with XBox 360

n a joint announcement, Microsoft and Netflix have put out some numbers on the success of Netflix’s ‘Watch Instantly’ Internet TV service on Microsoft’s XBox 360 games console. 1.5 billion minutes of Netflix content has been streamed, with a total of one million Xbox Live Gold Members activating Netflix on their accounts.

Turn your iPhone into an Apple Remote
Another remote control application has hit the the iPhone’s App store. This time, the WiFi “Rowmote” emulates Apple’s own remote control, the Apple Remote, which used to ship for ‘free’ with the company’s consumer Macs.

Google Latitude shows what’s wrong with Nokia’s social location (SoLo) strategy

Latitude, the Google Map-powered software enables users to keep track of where their friends are and what they’re up to. Sort of like Twitter, IM and GPS rolled into one. If that sounds a lot like Nokia’s Friend View, that’s because it is.

Published by
Dave Zatz