A periodic roundup of relevant news… from our friends at Last100:
Hulu blocks Boxee, could Firefox, IE and Safari be next?
Its only crime is that Boxee has made it more convenient to view television content on a PC connected to a TV. Oh the irony. Technically speaking Boxee might just be a web browser optimized for a ‘ten foot’ or TV-like viewing experience.
26 minutes of Palm Pre goodness
We didn’t learn much new about the Pre at MWC, such as an exact release date, but the good folks over at precommunity.com did capture an extended video demo of Palm’s comeback device.
Five MWC handsets that caught my eye
Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona saw a flurry of handset announcements boasting, amongst other features, more megapixels, support for HD video, OLED screens and touchscreen UIs. Here’s five that caught my eye.
Nokia announces ‘Ovi’ mobile app store
Apple may not have had a physical presence at Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, but the company’s influence can be seen everywhere. Not least in Nokia’s newly announced third-party application store.