Categories: AppleAudioCategories

Time for new iPods and iTunes?

Kevin Rose (Digg, Revision3, Pownce) may have an inside source at Apple – which wouldn’t be surprising given his elite status amongst the digerati and Bay Area location. He’s heard that the entire iPod lineup will see a refresh and iTunes 8.0 will be introduced by the end of September. (Apple’s free iPod promotion ends 9/15…) I’m not extremely fond of the Nano Fatty and wouldn’t mind seeing it replaced with the rendering Rose provided (above) – similar in form to the previous Nano that I’m a fan of.

Supposedly, iTunes 8.0 provides new features and functionality worthy of something more than just a point upgrade designation. Which lines up nicely with our quarterly iTunes music subscription service rumor and iPhone 2.1 update. This time around the claim is $129.99 for a year of unlimited downloads and playback. Works for me if it pans out – cheaper than satellite radio without the continuous network connectivity requirement of a Pandora.

Published by
Dave Zatz