Woot’s offering the TiVo HD (refurb) for a low $165, shipped. Like all Woot deals, you’ll need to act fast. As in today. And before they sell out. I believe this is the lowest we’ve seen THD and it’s a great price to get in on. With the money you save, I suggest picking up the very nice TiVo Glo remote to replace the traditional TiVo controller – unless you’re using a Harmony or similar.
(via Gizmo Lovers)
I hope this is a sign that TiVo Series 4 / HD v.2 will be out soon and have all the features that we asked for… *sighs wishfully*
I dont even have an HDTV yet, but this is tempting me to go ahead an pull the trigger and just sit on it until I do (few months, maybe).
Something with $20 or so should spring up between now and then though, don’t you think?
That sucks for me.. I just paid full price for Tivo HD #3. I almost ordered a refurb from Tivo but wanting it now talked me into paying more..
Please tell me where I can buy one of these Refurb HD Tivos for $165.
I am interested in buying the Tive HD for $165 if it still is available. I would like to run a wire to connect directly. Do these units have a wire connection? Are these units refurbished?
What year/model are these Tivos?