Want $5?


Toyota’s got you (me) covered on TiVo with a $5 Amazon gift card bribe in exchange for…? I assume whatever email they send containing a coupon code will also contain Toyota Corolla advertising. Most of the spam I receive doesn’t offer anything worthwhile, so I’ll take the cash:

The first 5000 people who do this before March 26 will get $5 to spend at Amazon.com. If you miss that boat, you can have a go at it again between March 27 and April 2.

  • Press the TiVo button
  • Select “Showcases & TV Guideâ€?
  • Select “Corolla the Xâ€?
  • Select “Get a $5 Amazon.com Gift Cardâ€?

(Thanks for the tip, Glenn!)

13 thoughts on “Want $5?”

  1. My TV devices were the first things I unpacked. ;) Though Comcast failed me yet again. We’ll see if they show Thursday (and with CableCARDs)… In the meantime the computers, TiVos, and even Xbox are connecting to the Internet via a Sprint AirCard in my Cradlepoint EVDO router. TV is via OTA.

  2. Wow, first a TiVo Glo remote (which I just received), and now a free Amazon $5 gift card? Thanks, Dave!! You’re moving up even higher on my “must read (first)” list. :-) –Steve

  3. Anyone get the email confirmation yet. I submitted my entry yesterday, and I’m not sure my lack of email means that I wasn’t one of the first 5000 or they are just waiting to submit all the emails.

  4. Just got the surprisingly-low-on-advertising email with gift card code. At Amazon.com, under your account you can add the balance without making a purchase. A good idea if you lose as many emails as I do….

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