Follow the digital music space and available March 11th at 1PM EST? If so, I highly recommend tuning into a free webcast by Michael Gartenberg and David Card of Jupiter Research:
Will digital music ever save the industry? Are downloaded singles replacing CD sales? Who are today’s customers, and how is that likely to change over time? What is the role of ad-supported services, and of P2P networks? Will there be a showdown between iPods and music phones? iPods and anybody? How do you compete with, or thrive alongside Apple?
Mark your calendars! Maybe I’ll get lucky later this week and have an iPhone that syncs with Exchange, preventing yet another missed appointment.
We have all seen the “future” of music, just yesterday from Trent Reznor…
The new Nine Inch Nails “record” is the future of music distribution. Direct relationship, one to one, me and the artist. Plus sliding scale marketing.
What’s missing? All the hundreds of greedy do nothings who artificially insert themselves between me and the artist, extracting their pound of flesh at each stop along the way.
I predict that in less than five years this will be the ONLY method of music distribution.
Pepto bismol sales may skyrocket at stores near music executives offices, but there’s no other outcome, it’s just over. Milton Friedman please take a bow.
Todd, it’s only works on a large scale with established/known artists like NIN or Radiohead. Smaller bands won’t have anyone to market for them and word of mouth isn’t enough – you need radio play. And when grandma buys a gift, it’ll still be a CD. So, I don’t think physical media will ever entirely go away and I don’t think every artist will market directly to consumers – there’ll still be an intermediary. Perhaps the studios will set up shop online.
By the way, I’m somewhat bummed that the new NIN is all instrumental. I was hoping for some good, ole fashioned screaming. Maybe that’ll be on the CD version. ;)
“By the way, Im somewhat bummed that the new NIN is all instrumental. I was hoping for some good, ole fashioned screaming.”
It’s BYO screaming.
Imeem should have acquired SoundLoud and their SoundStation Music Store rather than Snocap and their Mystore which by the way is under litigation for trademark infringement by the folks at SoundLoud has been paving the way as the Snocap replacement. Everything snocap has done wrong, this company is doing right. Better royalty payout rate, better brand, better music management, better distribution services, better everything! Check them out for yourselves at