Categories: Media

10 MPH – Another Pick Your Price Download

Following in the footsteps of Radiohead, the folks behind 10 MPH have embraced the pick-your-price distribution model for both physical DVDs and digital downloads. Both downloads and discs have minimum fees (10 cents, $6.99) which seems reasonable to ensure a small company’s expenses are covered. More on the movie:

The film 10 MPH chronicles the story of two friends and aspiring filmmakers that ditch soul-sucking cubicle jobs to claim a more fulfilling life by making a film about a cross-country journey by Segway.

Having had a “soul-sucking” cubicle job or two over the years and being an indie film fan (who’s seen the possibly similar Straight Story), 10 MPH piqued my curiosity. But I never added the film to my Netflix queue for whatever reason… The instant gratification of a download (unencrypted MPEG4) is appealing and I made a purchase this AM. I may never get around to actually watching the movie, so I only offered $2.22 (one of the pre-selected options). Hopefully this is sufficient to offset their bandwidth fees (780MB download) and, if I enjoy the flick, hopefully there’s an option for additional “donations.” Actually, the ordering process was more efficient than Radiohead — so, I could just easily “repurchase.”

Published by
Dave Zatz