Categories: DVRTiVoTV Shows

Jericho Blames TiVo For Near-Death Experience

Jericho actor Brad Beyer (aka Stanley Richmond) had an interesting conversation with

The biggest problem with our show is that so many people were watching it on the Internet or Tivo (which doesn’t count toward Neilson ratings), so I think the fans are now aware to watch it when it’s on.

Doh! I thought this was some rogue comment in the saving of Jericho, but after reading more from CBS execs (on Brent Evans & PVRWire) it’s clear they blame DVR usage and plead:

Please watch “Jerichoâ€? on broadcast television.

While I’m pleased to see the show renewed for at least 7 more episodes, I think CBS is a bit misguided on this point. If they need a larger audience, they can help themselves by not scheduling directly opposite American Idol and taking a 2+ month mid-season hiatus. Prior to the nutiness, I would have also suggested advertising – but they’ve gotten a ton… 25 tons to be exact. And it wouldn’t hurt to figure out how to track time-shifted viewing. DVRs aren’t going away. Quite the opposite: Their penetration and usage will continue to increase.

Published by
Dave Zatz