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Do you listen to podcasts?

Over on my LinkedIn network, an interesting question was posed: How often do you listen to podcasts? The author limited his query to non-work-related and non-NPR content. Here’s my response:

I rarely listen to podcasts. So interesting followup questions might be: Where/when/how do people listen? I find I can’t concentrate on a podcast while working on my computer and I don’t listen through my iPod or TV when relaxing.

Generally speaking, I’m more visually oriented and prefer reading or watching video over a purely audio broadcast. If I still regularly commuted (via subway), I might listen to podcasts more frequently. Though I’d just as likely watch some DVRed video clip on my mobile instead.

Every now and then I might listen to a special broadcast, but generally I just don’t bother — My free time and attention span are too limited for audio-only entertainment. It’s not that I haven’t tried… I did give the TiVo podcast feature a spin on a few occasions, but the lack of pause functionality kills its usefulness. And for a few weeks, I loaded up an iPod Shuffle with podcasts and hiked the 17 flights of stairs in my apartment complex… but that didn’t jibe with my sedentary lifestyle.

So am I alone in not listening? If you listen: When, where, and how?

Published by
Dave Zatz