Categories: Media

New Microsoft IPTV Service?

Long Zheng has uncovered a Microsoft trademark application Down Under:

Computer software for delivery of broadcast-quality video and television programming over broadband, cable, satellite and wireless networks; computer software for providing video-on-demand services; downloadable films and TV programs provided via video-on-demand; computer software for transmitting personal photos, video and music over broadband, cable, satellite and wireless networks; computer software for digital video recording; and computer software for providing a programming guide to display available video and television broadcasts and downloads

Wonder what this could be? One could suggest a Silverlight Joost killer, but Joost isn’t established yet. Is this even something new or a rebranding Microsoft’s IPTV platform or Media Center experience? Could it have anything to do with my beloved Xbox 360? Hmmm… What’s Chris Lanier’s take? Does Sean Alexander know anything about this?

Published by
Dave Zatz