SnapStream, maker of PC DVR software BeyondTV, has pushed out a “simple” web television guide. Unlike other guides floating around the net, Couchville is not plastered in ads, doesn’t require registration, and doesn’t require numerous clicks before hitting the listings. The guide is easily manipulated, AJAX style, by dragging the screen or using the arrow keys. As with most Web 2.0 apps, Couchville is in beta. I don’t know how many features we’ll end up seeing in this minimalist app, but I’d appreciate the option of a different color scheme.
In my household I’m often asked, “When’s ‘Dancing With Skating Celebrity American Idols Next Door’ on?” I always answer, “No idea” and one of us (or both) ends up surfing the network’s web page for (hopefully) the answer. So I’m looking forward to sharing this URL and pointing out the search box.
In other SnapStream news, I’m happy to announce that founder and CEO Rakesh Agrawal will be joining us here on ZNF. As we do with Davis Freeberg, select content will be syndicated from Rakesh’s personal blog. (He also runs the official SnapStream blog.) Rakesh and I have corresponded for some time and finally had an opportunity to sit down in person at CES: As I sensed, he’s one sharp dude and a good guy. I anticipate working with him will be worth the pay cut… SnapStream has been a sponsor of ZNF (via BlogAds and Google Ads) the last few months, but to keep everything aboveboard I’m no longer running BeyondTV advertisements.
Welcome new blogger.
Dave, I’ve wanted to ask for a while now if Sling had more boxes sold than TiVo had SA subs yet. I thought it might be possible by the end of 2006 or sometime during 2007.
Works great. Thanks Dave!
Sorry, hdtivo – we don’t disclose sales figures.
I figured as much. It would be intellectually interesting to follow Sling’s business development – they seem very good at what they do.
Personally, I’ve used the Yahoo TV schedule (which I keep a link to, so no extra clicks), as it supports remote Tivo programming. Its really slow though. It does require registration of course, but I find that tolerable. The show info is pretty limited, so you’ll still end up on TV.com for episode listings more often than not…