Categories: Software

Update: Dave’s Vista Upgrade

So much for getting Vista this month… or even next month. Looks like I’m slated for a mid-April delivery. I’m no math whiz, but that doesn’t seem like 6-8 weeks after US launch. “Express Upgrade” is a bit misleading… Bah!

Between the numerous hotfixes in the works and at least one report that editing DVR-MS isn’t functional, I’ll try being patient. Though I’ve got to say, the interface is pretty slick. I especially like the way Gadgets are visible and docked. Is it possible to do this with Dashboard? Yes, I know Yahoo Widgets and Google Desktop have similar functionality… But I’m a sucker for sexy, and Vista gadgets are.

We are developing software for Vista at work… Perhaps they should give me a copy to run in Parallels. For demos. ;)

Published by
Dave Zatz