4 thoughts on “Netgear Blogger In Residence, Day 1”

  1. Dave,

    Does the EVA8000 support high speed fast forward and rewind of XviD and other video formats?

    Does it have the ability to resume videos where you left off?

    Is there a 30 second skip?

    I’m trying to determine whether this addresses the shortcomings of the DSM-520 I already have.


  2. Carl, these are great questions. I only had a few minutes with the device, so didn’t get to that sort of granular testing. I will forward these questions on to Netgear and report back.

  3. Many formats support high speed fast forward and rewind. Xvid is supported. You can resume videos where you left off. Many formats support 30 second skip forward and 10 second skip back. YouTube video is an example of a format that doesn’t have those kinds of controls.

    It’s a pretty slick device. I hope to get some more time with it, but the booth has been PACKED. Maybe I’ll use my vendor pass to get into the show early tomorrow.

  4. Dave,

    Thank you for the super quick response. How’s the interface? One of the complaints about the older Netgear device (EVA700?) was its klunky interface.

    Thanks again.

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