A periodic roundup of relevant news…

- DirecTV SAT+GO! brown box does portable satellite TV: Gizmodo
- AOL offering free holiday movie downloads on Saturday: TechCrunch
- Wal-Mart joins the digital movie download fray: Engadget
- Better Options than Verizon-YouTube Lite: GigaOm
- Descriptions and prices of various media extenders: PVRWire
What a lame post. I think someone is in need of some much due monetary appreciation for his efforts. Am I the only one who thinks that Mr. Zatz should get a few bucks in his stocking this year from loyal readers? Dave, is there any way we can give a little something back?
Thanks for the thought! I have a few irons in the fire for CES — if they don’t pan out perhaps I’ll start a travel fund drive. In the meantime, keep reading and spread the word.