Today’s Woot is a Microsoft portable media player (PMP) for under $135. True, it’s a fake brand (Enza Dream’eo? Could there be a worse name?) and the unit may die at any moment — but 20GB with a roomy 3.5″ screen at about half the price of an iPod is a decent deal… as long as it supports the audio/video formats you need. (TiVoToGo, using the free version of the TiVo Desktop software, has you covered with .tivo -> .wmv conversions.)
No XviD or DivX support and conversion of those file types to supported formats didn’t work, according to CNet.
It doesn’t look like the device natively supports DiVx/XviD — but you should be able to convert for playback. Of course if most of a person’s content is DiVx/XviD it may be a PITA to convert everything so perhaps look for different device. The primary reason Dream’eo is notable today is due to the low price, if it works for you.
Yeah, no xvid/divx no sale. They had this same one a little while back too so it keeps rotating up as somebody clears out their stock :).
Hey guys,
Windows Media Player 10+ will handle transcoding. As long as you can play the file within Media Player (eg you have the correct DirectShow codec’s installed) then Media Player will convert it to WMV on-the-fly. Media Player can also convert files in the background and cache them on your PC’s hard drive, then syncing will happen in a matter of seconds.