A member of the Sling Community disassembled his Slingbox Pro in order to document the “major chips” — in the process, he discovered what appears to be an IR receiver. Not one to sit on the sidelines, I tore apart my SB Pro to confirm his report. I’m no electrical engineer, but it does indeed look like an IR receiver is hidden behind the Sling logo. Purpose? Like all Slingbox units, the Pro model is networked with both AV inputs and outputs. So one possibility is SlingCatcher functionality: providing the ability to watch a remote Sling feed on TV, controlled by a yet-to-be-released SlingRemote. Or maybe the box could leverage the network connection to stream YouTube video or display information like the forthcoming Wii’s Channels. I’ve got a query into Sling Media and will report back if they choose to publicly comment.
UPDATE: I passed Stephen in TN a better photo (shown below) and he had this to say:
The part number is D17 and the schematic symbol shown is for a diode. This photo shows the package of the device and you are definitely correct in your thinking that it may be to receive fir IR signals, but it could still be a transmitter of IR data as well. If it is a receiver, a photodiode is a poor choice because a phototransistor is much more sensitive to light.. But a photodiode costs less… Since it really would make no sense to emit IR data out the front, I think you are right in believing that it is there to receive signals.
Stephen went on to do a little more research and concluded the component in question is similar to this one, which is a detector rather than a transmitter.

now how can we convert the “it’s not an HDMI port” to an HDMI port?
Touche’! :)
Looks like an (IR) LED to me, but the silkscreen on the PCB is blurry. Arent phototransistors usually used to receive IR signals?
Is it possible this is an IR transmitter for some odd reason?
It didn’t look like the IR blaster eyes, but again I’m by no means an expert under the hood. If you tell me what you need a better photo of, I’ll take it. But please be specific, because I have no idea what I’m looking at or what a PCB is.
PCB = Printed Circuit Board
Stephen – I think the item in question is D17, not the obvious LED to the left of it in the close up photo.
And if I’d noticed the ‘Update’ to the post I wouldn’t have posted that last comment. :-)
How about some sort of IR-learning capability for tweaking? The Harmony remotes often ask for afew button pushes during set up to help pick the best set of IR-commands?
This is especially useful for controling units like TiVos which have subtle difference for Tivo (1) vs TiVo (2), etc. Dish PVRs have this multi-unit control feature now too.
Did you ever find out what this was?
Yes, it’s an IR receiver that was never implemented for anything.
An electrical engineer will tell you D17 is a plain diode – If you compare symbols D3 with D17 they are different therefore D17 is not a photodiode..