I ran over to the Best Buy during lunch and look what I stumbled upon: A couple dozen fanboys (plus ten tents and a football) milling about until 8AM on FRIDAY when they can purchase Sony’s PlayStation 3. I also learned a few guys from work have parked themselves across the street at WalMart hoping for units. I asked one if he really cared that much about the PS3 and it turns out he doesn’t… He wants to sell the $600 console on ebay for $1500. I seriously doubt he’ll reach that figure, but since I’m going to bring him a folding chair (he didn’t plan so well) I expect a cut of the profits!
$900 profit for three continuous days of work, camping out in front of Best Buy? That works out to $12.50/hour in salary. Better than minimum wage, I suppose, but I think there have to be better ways to earn that much money.
It sure seems crazy to me. A woman waiting in line at WalMart offered to pay me to hold her spot. I think not!
At least the folks at WalMart will finish their mission 8 hours earlier than the Best Buy group — WalMart is open 24 hours. Though, rumor has it the Best Buy line may get numbered coupons tomorrow and then can come back on Friday… But who will tell the folks arriving in the middle of the night?
I’m off to make another trip to the WalMart — dude brought his iPod, forgot his headphones. Maybe this is a sign that he should just pack it in and head home to play Gears of War on his Xbox 360.
Currently PS3’s are going on eBay for nearly $3000. That’s $2700 pure profit for less than a days worth of work. Maybe these guys aren’t so crazy.
Typo – $2400 profit. Still a lot though.