Categories: HacksTiVo

Dave’s Weaknees TiVo Upgrade

While debating the future of my Series3 review unit, I went ahead and beefed up the storage on my Humax DVD-burning TiVo. I’ve previously upgraded on my own (S1 Philips) using the Hinsdale instructions, but opted for the efficiency of a Weaknees upgrade this time. The Weaknees drive came completely formatted and ready for use — I removed about a dozen screws in order to swap the drives and instantly bumped my max recording capacity from ~80 hours to over 300 hours (though who’s using Basic quality?). The whole process, including TiVo startup must have taken less than 20 minutes. If you don’t mind spending a few bucks and aren’t terribly concerned about giving up your current recordings, a Weaknees upgrade is quick and easy. If you’d prefer to do the tinkering, they also host an interactive guide for DIYers.

As for my Series3? Yes, I bought it — though 67% of you suggested I should hold it hostage or just send it back. Speaking of the S3 and Weaknees, they’ve just announced a few discounts and store credits.

Published by
Dave Zatz