While debating the future of my Series3 review unit, I went ahead and beefed up the storage on my Humax DVD-burning TiVo. I’ve previously upgraded on my own (S1 Philips) using the Hinsdale instructions, but opted for the efficiency of a Weaknees upgrade this time. The Weaknees drive came completely formatted and ready for use — I removed about a dozen screws in order to swap the drives and instantly bumped my max recording capacity from ~80 hours to over 300 hours (though who’s using Basic quality?). The whole process, including TiVo startup must have taken less than 20 minutes. If you don’t mind spending a few bucks and aren’t terribly concerned about giving up your current recordings, a Weaknees upgrade is quick and easy. If you’d prefer to do the tinkering, they also host an interactive guide for DIYers.

As for my Series3? Yes, I bought it — though 67% of you suggested I should hold it hostage or just send it back. Speaking of the S3 and Weaknees, they’ve just announced a few discounts and store credits.
Since the Tivo Community Forum seems to be deleting posts that mention online retailers with good details, could someone post here if they know of any good S3 online deals? Outside of Weaknees, that is.
I think my resistance to buying a Series 3 is crumbling.
Damn Viral S3 is eating away at my will.
The recording quality is vastly superior to the old S2s. The scaling is very good, providing a vast improvement to the image on my cheapo HDTV.
250GB HD is nice and about a $200 premium @ TiVo/Weaknees prices. I never knew I’d love having 2 tuners so much (also >$30++ premium of S2DT.)
The UI performance is so much snappier than the S2s.
While I hate not having critical features like MRV and TTC&G, I can’t bring myself to ship back the unit and buy one
I just wanted to say that the HD in my TiVo recently died. I went the Weaknees route and am very happy with the results. It was very easy to replace the existing drive, and best of all it seems that TiVo remembers most of your season passes (although not your thumbs ratings.)