CNET TV Out Of Beta, Inks Deal With Verizon


CNET TV has finally returned… Originally composed of tech-related television shows, the latest incarnation is a web site just out of beta: While CNET has sprinkled video clips throughout their site for some time, we now have a dedicated video destination. Bonus: Most clips are downloadable MPEG-4s, perfect for an iPod or other portable device.

According to the press release CNET put out today, they’ve also signed a deal to bring VOD segments to Verizon’s FiOS TV similar to TiVo offerings. Supposedly, Cox customers were also to receive CNET segments — though I haven’t heard if it’s been deployed. Anyone seen it?

6 thoughts on “CNET TV Out Of Beta, Inks Deal With Verizon”

  1. Looks like this might further marginalize TiVoCast. “Exclusivity” is more diluted by Verizon coming in; MP4 leaves out TiVoCast (future on Series 3 maybe); downloads bypass TiVoCast.

    Unclear whether any additional content will be received by TiVoes. If not, TiVoCast just took another step down.

    For DOD, CNETTV having downloads is a step forward, especially if there is no DRM. (DRM???)

  2. Re: CNET TV VOD content available on Cox.

    Yes, Cox Fairfax was carrying the CNET VOD content … I would assume other markets were too. The CNET stuff started showing up pretty quickly after their announcement in April. I actually think there was more CNET content available via COX VOD than via Tivo download. If you look at the CNetTV site ( … the Cox CNET VOD content was broken up into similar categories as the ‘channels’ list … while Tivo seemed limited to just the “Tech News” and “Gadgets and Gear” (reviews) stuff.

  3. I’ve been watching CNET on Verizon’s VOD for a while. Then we got the channel re-alignment and CNET vanished. It’s on the VOD preview channel, but no folder in Marketplace or anywhere else. WTF!

    P.S.: Verizon FiOS Kent County Delaware

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