The place-shifting universe expands next week with the introduction of HAVA, a Slingbox-like hardware device. I rang up Mark Rouchonik, a Director at Monsoon Multimedia, for the details. Mark tells me the major distinction between their device and the Slingbox are LAN multicasting and WiFi features. Multicast doesn’t do a whole lot for me as only one video feed or channel can be displayed at a time, not to mention it is likely to receive negative industry attention (see HBO and MLB). WiFi (no WPA!?) is a great enhancement — one that I’ve suggested Sling incorporate. Initially, only Windows XP (with or without MCE) will be supported. Mark believes their video quality is superior to Sling’s, though I can’t verify his claim until he sends that eval unit. ;)
HAVA boxes are pre-selling online for $199 after a $50 mail-in rebate. From what I gather, “HAVA” will only be available via their website with a wider distribution expected as an OEM for others. Mark wouldn’t tell me who, but said the “big partners” would be announced next month. The likely candidates would be home networking companies like a Netgear or DLink or someone already in this space like a Hauppauge. I can’t imagine a Dell or Gateway getting involved, though anything is possible. Anyone remember the GoVideo Gateway-branded network DVD player?
UPDATE: Shipping has been pushed from 7/17 to 7/31. We shall see…
UPDATE 2: Comments on this post have been closed. I welcome all sorts of discussion but if you choose to engage in deceptive business practices or personal vendettas, do it elsewhere.